World’s First High Frequency Essential Oil Blends


Freq 500


Sweet floral notes of Geranium, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Orange and Spearmint


Freq 540


Sprightly Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Lemongrass, Cedarwood, and Patchouli


Freq 600


Fresh, light, mild and clearing tones of Chamomile, Bergamot, Juniper Berry and Lemon

Created using


Essential oil blends made to match high frequency emotions of Love, Joy and Peace.

David R. Hawkins Map of Consciousness
Adapted from "Map of Consciousness" by Sir David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D

The intent of Mi Scents™ is to elevate emotions and vibrational frequency. 

Mi Scents is created by a certified medical intuitive and life coach seeking to help her clients relieve stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. 

Each blend is a unique formula attuned with Medical Intuition System™ protocols to capture the highest possible frequencies.

Pick up and perk up with LOVEJOY and PEACE to reach a higher emotional state wherever you go. 


Scent is a powerful tool for your emotional wellbeing. 

Research has shown that the olfactory pathway offers a direct link to the limbic brain, which is responsible for regulating and modulating emotions. 

Like a gentle nudge, a scent can help to trigger positive emotions, and take the edge off any negative moods. 

It can also help to bring you back into a moment of awareness, so that emotions can be safely processed and released.

Take a deep healing breath and experience a new scentsation of calmness, euphoria and inner wellness.


The Mi Scents Box Set features the entire Mi Scents range. It includes LOVE, JOY and PEACE in 15ML, their 2ML versions with Mini Mi Scents, and switchable drip applicators.


Mi Scents blends are made from globally sourced natural essential oils.

Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil is used as the carrier oil in all Mi Scents blends, making it safe to directly apply on normal skin.

Blending is carried out by hand in batches using only recyclable materials.

Mi Scents LOVE Natural Essential Oils Plant-based Ingredients
Geranium, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Orange and Spearmint
Mi Scents JOY Natural Essential Oils Plant-based Ingredients
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry, Lemongrass and Patchouli
Mi Scents PEACE Natural Essential Oils Plant-based Ingredients
Bergamot, Chamomile, Juniper Berry and Lemon
Mi Scents Diffuser Ultrasonic Nebulizer High Frequency Essential Oil Blend


Mi Scents JOY Drip Burner


Place a few drops on palm of one hand and gently rub both palms together to warm up the oils. Next, cup both palms over nose, close eyes and inhale.


Add into any nebulizing, ultrasonic, reed, wood, burner, crystal or aroma bead diffusers.


Apply on skin. Recommended areas are pulse points, temples, forehead, back of neck, shoulders and middle of chest. Suitable for body massage.

CAUTION: Not for sensitive skin or oral consumption. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.


Drip or drop, there are two dispensing options to suit every use. Comes with every 15ML and Mi Scents Box Set.

Mi Scents JOY Drip Dispenser
Mi Scents JOY Dropper Dispenser


Find out how Love, Joy and Peace actually smells like!

Get the 2ML mini versions of Mi Scents LOVE, JOY and PEACE.

Each Mini Mi Scents comes with a mesh zipper pouch for travel ease.


What are essential oils?

Essential oils are called “essential” as they are the essences of a plant.

They are the highly concentrated version of the natural oils in plants.

Oils are extracted through distillation from the bark, sap, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruit rinds of a plant.

Where are the oils from?

Most of the essential oils are from France, followed by Brazil, India and Indonesia. Blending is carried out by hand in Singapore.

How to use the blends?

Inhale, apply on skin, or diffuse.


Accompany with meditation practice or deep breathing exercises as you inhale to elevate the experience.


Safe for normal skin. The blends have been ‘diluted’ with a carrier oil (pure fractionated coconut oil). It is safe to directly apply on normal non-sensitive, non-allergenic skin.

Recommended Application

In addition to pulse points and your favourite spots, there are various parts of the body and chakras that each blend is recommended for:

Mi Scents LOVE

  • Behind the ears
  • Chest area, upper back
  • Heart and Throat Chakras

Mi Scents JOY

  • Pelvic region, lower back, any aching areas
  • Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras

Mi Scents PEACE

  • Head area: forehead, temples, scalp, base of neck
  • Crown, Third Eye Chakras


Safe for most diffusers. Eg: ultrasonic, reed, wood or burner diffuser. Do not put the blends in burning candles. It may explode into a flash fire. EOs tend to be extremely flammable with high flash points.


See Usage Tips

Is Mi Scents safe for expectant mothers, children and pets?
For expectant mothers
The recommendation is inhalation and diffusing, rather than direct skin application.

The blends contain essential oils that are safe for use during pregnancy through inhaling and diffusing like Chamomile (PEACE), Geranium (LOVE), and Patchouli (JOY).

Some research cautions the use of Clary Sage that is used in LOVE, hence inhalation than direct application is recommended.

For infants
Diffusing is recommended rather than inhalation or skin application.

For pets
Diffusing is recommended rather than letting pet inhale or applying on pet’s skin.
What is Frequency?


Frequency is the speed or rate at which something vibrates.

Every matter in the universe is made up of atoms and molecules that vibrates.

From physical bodies, animals, trees, rocks to the coffee table, including thoughts and emotions.

Everything (except for vacuum) are all just vibrating at different speeds.

Some molecules vibrate faster and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations. These make up High and Low Frequency respectively.


Us, human beings, are able to pick up the frequency of a place, or a person.

“I don’t like the vibes of this place or person.”

This is us picking up the low frequency of a space or someone.

Being a living energy field, our bodies and senses are antennas that can pick up vibes.

Just as we pick up vibes from others, we also give out vibes.

Whether we give out good or bad vibes depends on the quality of our thoughts, emotions, actions and energy.

We can practice inner work to uplift ourselves from within like mindfulness, aromatherapy, or positive thinking.


By using Medical Intuition System™ protocols, each Mi Scents blend of LOVE, JOY and PEACE has been attuned to the frequency of high vibrational frequency emotions of Love, Joy and Peace respectively.

It is with the hope that through the use of Mi Scents, our vibrations and frequency can also be elevated – that we feel and give out good vibes 🙂

How was Medical Intuition applied to these blends?

Our founder is a certified medical intuitive and credentialed coach. 


Testing protocols from the Medical Intuition System™, a branch of Energy Medicine, were applied.

The combination and proportion of oils required to reach the energetic vibrational frequencies of the emotions of Love, Joy and Peace to create each blend were identified using these testing protocols. 


A medical intuitive applies intuitive testing or muscle testing to diagnose, and aligns with universal energy to clear energetic blocks to facilitate healing and transformation.


Intuition is a sense of inner knowing within everyone that can be trained to be an ability. Intuition applied for healing is known as Medical Intuition. 


I put a few drops of LOVE on my mask. This refreshes me especially while I am driving, gives a feel good feeling and keeps me attentive.
Alfred H.
I sleep better whenever I use PEACE. I apply on my forehead, temples and nostrils, as well as inhale, and sleep more soundly with each use.
Dalip K.
I use Mi Scents before I go to sleep by rubbing it in my palms and inhaling. Brings a sense of calm over me. Highly recommended.
Joe C.
Sydney, Australia
I am an avid EO user. After using Mi Scents, I find myself reaching out less to other oils as I feel 'lifted' with LOVE, JOY and PEACE.
As an energy healer and being sensitive to energy, I felt energy shifts and truly the emotions of Love, Joy and Peace when I inhaled each of the scents.
Darius S.
Go with Mi Scents in a world awash with EOs. Formulated with the right intentions, LOVE, JOY and PEACE go some way to evoke the emotions indicated and smell heavenly!
Vinay R.
I apply behind my ears and inhale in the mornings to calm myself before starting the day, and also at night to feel more comfortable just before sleep.
JOY was invigorating for me, while PEACE gave me a sense of calmness. Both are exactly what I need when at work and also at home to alleviate stress!
Anita V. E.
Brisbane, Australia
Love the scents! After a long day, PEACE really helps relax and calm me down. Both JOY and LOVE gives a positive vibe when I use them. Thumbs up!
Evelyn C.
JOY makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a forest or garden. I also apply JOY on bruises, which relieves some pain after a few applications.
Liz K.
PEACE seems to induce sleep. I apply it every night and find myself sleeping more soundly, and waking up less frequently in the middle of the night.
Shirley W.
LOVE gave a soothing release, JOY was uplifting, while PEACE gave me a sense of calmness and clarity - all perfect for different times of the day!
Anna T.


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